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Lavender lemonade soft drink

  • Anti-depressant
  • Pain reliever
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antihypertensive
  • Pain killer
  • Treatment of migraine headaches
  • Relieve insomnia

Lavender lemonade soft drink | In the packaging of this product, all pharmaceutical standards have been met. Lavender Didi lemonade soft drink bottle is glass. This feature of the product is similar to all pharmaceutical packaging and syrups. One of the advantages of this type of packaging is the stability of the product’s properties and effective ingredients for a long time.

In addition, it is said that the lid of this jar opens with a screw like all medicinal syrups. Until now, the only Iranian soft drinks with such characteristics are Didi products. Meanwhile, other products of the same series use pan lids.

Regarding the nature of these products, it should be said that soft drinks are formulated in such a way that their herbal properties are preserved for a long time. On the other hand, due to the presence of less sugar in them, it is considered low in calories and is classified in the category of health-oriented drinks. Medicinal plant extracts are used in the formula of these products. Subsequently, the said properties have been transferred to soft drinks, and for this reason, it has a medicinal claim.

This lavender lemonade drink has the approval of food and drug and nutrition institute. Phosphoric acid is not used in its formula, so it does not cause osteoporosis. It should be mentioned that when phosphorus enters the body, calcium is removed from the body and this factor causes osteoporosis.
It might be interesting for you to know that this soft drink is one of the few soft drinks in the world and the first soft drink in Iran that is produced with mineral water. As a result, it has mineral salts.


  • Improve sleep quality
  • Anti-stress, anxiety and depression
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